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jlichman on: The Reeler Meets Oscar at

The Reeler Blog

The Reeler Meets Oscar at


By S.T. VanAirsdale

Though I shouldn't be, I'm generally loathe to self-promote here at The Reeler. But I'm really excited about a recent development that has me working with the culture mavens at to cover the 2008 Oscar campaign. And while I may never be a true believer in the Hollywood dog-and-pony show itself, nor in the anointing of one film among hundreds as the best of the year by a few thousand "professionals" in their plastic surgeons' waiting rooms, but I am a devoted observer from way back, and I'm looking forward to parsing the rich, riveting and thoroughly absurd spectacle for VF's Little Gold Men blog in the month ahead.

As such, we may not see as much of each other as we're accustomed to around here, but The Reeler is still open for business and will have its eyes and ears trained on New York as always. Don't be a stranger, but please do keep me and my colleagues company at Little Gold Men as well. (Especially all you tipsters.) I look forward to seeing you over there!

Oh, and NPR's Soterios Johnson is having me on between 6:30 and 7:30 Friday morning to talk about New Yorkers at Sundance. I'll stop now, I promise.

Posted at January 24, 2008 1:37 PM

Comments (1)

does this mean you're too cool to hang now?
since you work for THE MAN?

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