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The Reeler Blog

Sources: Lim Gone As Voice Film Editor

Well, it appears Dennis Lim is out as the film editor at The Village Voice. On the heels of his colleague Michael Atkinson's unceremonious dismissal from the paper earlier this week, not one, not two, but three notes just slid over the transom indicate that Lim is following him out the door by the end of the month if not before.

Lim's departure follows months of meddlesome corporate squabbles that reportedly slashed his budget by half and had him so frustrated he was walking around the Toronto Film Festival intimating that he "was trying to get fired." (He did not answer his office phone this morning.) Further word indicates that J. Hoberman is safe (if not especially pleased) for the time being, and that New Times will attempt to rebuild the Voice's film section around his name.

As they say, "Developing..."

Posted at October 5, 2006 11:22 AM

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